Reports Server

In today world of development CI/CD and Microservices are not a buzz word anymore, are a necessity.
Using the Testerum Reports Server you can aggregate tests results and overview reports from multiple projects in a centralized place.
Testerum Reports Server offers a visual interface that is easy to understand by everybody.

Server setup

To setup the Report Server you need to go to the download page and download Report Server for the operating system where it will be installed.

To start this application you need to execute the file:
for Windows:
<testerum_report_server_path>/bin/testerum-report-server.bat for Linux and iOs: ./<testerum_report_server_path>/bin/
Change Server Port
By default the application starts on port 7788.
To see the reports in your browser you can access the URL: http://localhost:7788
To change the server port you have to append --server.port=<port_number> to the start command.

for Windows:
<testerum_report_server_path>/bin/testerum-report-server.bat --server.port=9876 for Linux and iOs: ./<testerum_report_server_path>/bin/ --server.port=9876

Runner setup

Using Testerum Runner you can execute your tests without a graphical interface.
The command-line interface is especially appropriate for running on CI/CD servers.

All the details ab about the Testerum Runner can be found here.

When you execute the tests using Testerum Runner from a CI/CD environment, a very useful functionality is to send the final reports to a centralized server.

Example: ./ --report REMOTE_SERVER:reportServerUrl=http://report-server-hostname:7788 Where the report-server-hostname is the URL or the IP address where you setup the Report Server and 7788 is the port where this server is listening.

Docker setup

On how to send reports from the Docker image to the Testerum Report Server please check the Docker documentation.